App icon of Ejectify


No more disk not ejected properly notifications.

Ejectify automatically unmounts external disks when your Mac starts sleeping and mounts them again after it wakes up.

Screenshot of Ejectify


☆ Prevents annoying Disk not ejected properly notifications when your Mac wakes up.☆ Prevents connected external disks and their volumes to get corrupted.☆ Configure what volumes should be (un)mounted automatically, optionally forcefully.☆ Available in English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Hindi, Arabic and Turkish.

☆ Configure when volumes should be unmounted automatically:
• When screensaver started.
• When screen is locked.
• When screens started sleeping.
• When system starts sleeping.
☆ Automatically mounts volumes again when your Mac or screens wake up, optionally after a delay.☆ Unmount all volumes instantly with the click of a button.

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